Past Challenges

Light Weight Ubuntu Kernel

In my quest for a fast boot time into a fully functional system that is very light weight, I tried out Gentoo. After using Gentoo I discovered that they’re not the “ricer” community everyone claims they are. In many way’s they’re the exact opposite.

Personal Bazaar Server

Rather than discuss how great bazaar is, I’d like to explain how to quickly set up a production level deployment for a bzr server.

64bit Java / Flash Deathroll

Update: Flash is dead; do not use it!

Migrate to Self-Hosted to GMail

I was hosting my own email server for about a year. I enjoyed the fact that I had full and complete control over the entire mail server and enjoyed being able to fine tune everything to fit my needs exactly. I was doing this for about 1.5 years.

Entirely Worthless Backups

I thought my backups were pretty good, but I found out otherwise. I had the following two lines running nightly for my backups.

Power Friendly Memo Script

I very frequently decide I’m going to do something later that isn’t something big and forget about it, or forget about a homework assignment. I’ve tried using those note taking and memo apps. I found that tomboy was pretty good. Unfortunately, not good enough.