Securing Web Hosts

Building a secure setup is extremely hard. There’s an old saying that’s basically “build an idiot-proof system and the world will build a better idiot.”

That works two ways. If you build a hacker-proof system then you’ll find better hackers. Loosely defined use of the term hacker of course.

So, how does one make a secure web server. The easiest would be to use something like Nginx and server only static content with hundreds of layers of strong security to get to altering those files with only one fully trustworthy person able to pass through all of the layers and a system of ensuring only correct content exists with no possible local access.

Moving over to the real world, I came up with my own system. For starters, my company operates on a limited budget. Most of our servers operate on 1.5GB RAM or less. We only have one system with more, and it’s not our production system.

My company does Drupal / Pressflow website development and hosting as well as graphic design. This means we use PHP. The problem is that PHP has exec(). You can forbid the use of this but what you end up with is a few things that won’t work. In our case, it’s Drush. That’s irritating enough by itself. If a person can touch your source code you basically need to assume they can run anything on the shell.

Fighting this is in some ways trivial and in some ways not. The simple is the concept that all you need to do is restrict what the user account can do and touch. The part that’s not trivial is everything else. You need to consider how the user will be separated from the system and how you will interact with that users data.

My solution came in a few ways. The first step is to not allow PHP to execute exec(). That one still bites but I definitely need to do it. The next was file system permissions. I don’t care if anyone can read static content, but I don’t want them reading PHP of other users. Partly because this includes settings.

The solution here was to lock down home directory permissions. I run one instance of PHP for each website as the user that owns the website. Of source that’s bound to a socket. I also include a periodic script that rechecks permissions to make sure a user didn’t change them. Because only that user can read any PHP data, the connection strings are locked down pretty tight. One site broken into won’t inherently mean access to all websites.

Let’s go back to the source here. Keeping a server secure means locking down the users. I don’t want them accessing 100’s of commands and files that they have no use for. Every additional application available, there’s an additional point of attack. So we need to eliminate this. You can take the route of hardening the system beyond imagination and to the point where your admin tasks suffer. This sounds icky to me.

My thought, is to simply put the users in a jail. What’s the best way is a hard question to ask. I went a few ways. The first part in the path I took was using debootstrap to build a chroot environment. Trust me, trimming down a larger environment is MUCH easier than building up a barely functional bare bones system. You get a much smaller system this way though.

I used debchroot and jailkit. The former is in the repositories but the latter isn’t. I loved this project so I setup some auto builds in Launchpad. Check out the PPA in Launchpad for jailkit .

If you want to build a very minimal system you can follow these commands.

NOTE!! I found that a reboot after installing the package and after running the basic commands can save you from having very severe issues.

# Basic System
mkdir /jailjk_init -v /jail
basicshelljk_init -v /jail
netutilsjk_init -v /jail
sshjk_init -v /jail jk_lsh

# Extras (add bash)
jk_cp -v -f /jail $(which bash)

# Extras (add su)
jk_cp -v -f /jail $(which su)

# Extras (add nano)
jk_cp -v -f /jail $(which nano)

That looks amazingly easy, and it works. This issue is that it’s too minimal for doing most things. What I did was start with a chroot bootstrap. Here’s what I did BEFORE jk_init.

debootstrap lenny /jail

When that’s done we want to strip it down.

chroot /jailapt-get remove foo

It’s really that simple. You can add applications the same way.

Now that you have your environment setup, you need to move users into it. This is just too easy. A caution would be to not move your own account into this or you could lose access to the entire parent system.

jk_jailuser -m -s /bin/bash -j /jail USER

This will move the user into the jail and setup their shell to am application that will put them in the chroot when they log in. The -s /bin/bash sets their shell inside of the chroot to bash. Otherwise they get

a shell that basically forbids interactive logins. The -m moves their home directory in the jail. Make sure they’re not logged in when you do this.

You can read the users data outside of the jail at /jail/home/user. Easy enough. In fact, I just pointed my web server (nignx) at the new location. This is pretty spiffy in that it’s easy to do and really gives you a more

secure system because the users have no direct access to the parent system. If you really want to get mean you could set the users shell to /bin/rbash inside of the jail. I don’t really see the point though.

In my book, this is a much more secure setup. Nginx only reads static content and PHP runs as the user and can’t touch anything else. Even allowing exec() we can feel much more comfortable in what the user is able

to touch. I still hate that exec() though. At this point, it’s the users only direct path into our main system.

So.. in php.ini let’s find “disable_functions = " and add “exec” to the end. After restarting the PHP processes we will have eliminated the worry of exec(). In my case I need it. Largely in part from bad code and other

developers using what amounts to being the wrong tool for the job. For now, it’s a battle that I’ll need to admit defeat on. Coming up, a bit battle with thousands of lines of code. Reworking a whole PHP project to something

that is better suited for the job. Perhaps it’s time to learn python.

Sometimes I need to run things as the user. These things are often not available inside of the jail. Things like PHP. I don’t want the user to see that PHP is even available except for the .php files. There’s a simple way

to do this. Rather than explain the whole thing, I’ll just show.

sudo -n -u $user -s -- $command

It looks simple, but it’s another thing that took some painful work. Basically, this allows me to do something as the user from outside of the jail. There are a few itty bitty tweaks that need to take place but I have had no issues with it once working.

In the end it comes down to this. My setup won’t work for everyone. If I gave you my Nginx and PHP configs, you probably couldn’t use it. I’m commonly referred to as crazy or insane and this is a fact I won’t dispute.

Running so many websites on 1GB of RAM is a feat in itself. However, making a secure and locked down server is possible. It’s not that hard. If there’s any documentation to what you’re doing, it’s trivial. Yes, selinux did go through my head. No, I’ve not said no to it yet. It’s just an annoying pain that I don’t feel like dealing with yet.

What do you do to harden your server? I’d love to know. I’m doing something that’s apparently not done and poorly documented. Hopefully this will throw a bone in the direction of someone else fighting the same thing. There’s so many things you can do. However, most of them require that you heavily modify your OS. I’m happy to have found a system that doesn’t require this on nearly the same level.