Articles with tag «security»

Fully Encrypted Disk

An intelligent mind once said, "if I can touch your system, then it's not your system." This phrase shaped the way I approached security, and increased my paranoia.

Although many guides exist that describe full disk encryption, they unfortunately fall a bit short of the claim and leave a bit …

Secure Password Vault Using Yubikey

Up until recently, my passwords were stored in a rather precarious manner. For my birthday, I decided it would be a nice gift to myself to perform a complete password refresh. This involved taking inventory of every password there was any record or memory of and resetting it to unique …

Long Term Secure Backups

Not that long ago, I managed to delete all of my physical HV hosts, backup server, all external backups, and a bit more. The first question that most people would ask would probably be how that's even possible. That may become a post by itself; it probably won't, though. What …